Wednesday 12 January 2011

Artist Introduction

My artist who is Faisal Abdu'allah was born in 1969 in London his first name was Paul Duffus and grew up in Pentecostal family. He was educated in quite few schools and collages. He went to Willesden High School, Harrow School of Art, Central St Martins and the Royal Collage of Art. In 1991 he decided to converted to Islam and changed his name to Faisal Abdu'allah . Which was also documeanted on BBC and was called "The Day That Changed My Life". His work includes photography, screen prints and installations and he is also a barber which shows that he just has more then one skill which does make him unique and different from all the other artists. Faisal Abdu'allah also teaches at the University of East London

Research And Review

The artist I have choosen is called Fisal Abdu'Allah. The reson I have choosen him is because I have mat him before and I really find his work really intresting because it was drifferent from other artist work I have seen before and is also kind of shocking at the same time because he composite a photographs cambining the facial features of the member of the 3 different groups that make up the colletive and all groups are from different muslim somalin girl out of 3 different backgounds and ethnicities.The combined portrait is degised to repesent the whole group.